How can you keep your home energy costs down?
With the unstable energy costs that are hitting both businesses and homes, we are constantly being asked if we have any tips on how to save energy in your home. So, here are ten such tips to help bring down your home energy costs.
Insulate, insulate, insulate
Insulation has to be at the top of the list! Good insulation, between 200mm and 270mm thick, will stop you from losing 20-25% of your heat through the roof of your house. The insulation is laid gently between the gaps of the beams in your loft and will provide much improved results, immediately, at a very low cost of install.
Wall insulation, although beneficial, can be a costly addition, however, it is worth it over a period of years so is worth considering if you have no plans to move any time soon. If you are on a low supported income, there is funding to help you.
Layer up!
Put a jumper on before you think about turning up the heating! You may laugh but, did you know that for every one degree above 20 degrees, you could increase your fuel bill by a ten percent. So, next time you reach to boost your central heating, stop and grab a jumper, blanket, dressing gown, anything! Obviously, as it gets colder, you will need to up your heating, but if you can hold off as long as possible, it really will help you save on your energy bill.
Lower your boiler temperature
Another easy way to save money on your energy bill is to simply turn down the setting on your boiler so it runs at a lower temperature. Often 55 degrees of heating is perfectly acceptable for most modern systems, and it will save money on your energy bill. Refer to your boiler user guide if you’re unsure how to edit the settings or, if you’re having your boiler serviced sometime soon (see energy saving tip #7) ask your plumber to lower the temperature for you.
Heat smart with TRVs
Thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) allow you to control the amount of heat a radiator gives off in any room. So, if the heating is on in the house, but you aren’t using all the rooms, there’s no point paying to heat unused space, or at least it’s better to lower the temperature in those spaces. This reduces the amount of work your boiler has to undertake which, in turn, reduces the amount of energy used, costing you less.
Replace your lightbults with LEDs
Replace your light bulbs with LED alternatives. This is a quick and easy energy saving tip with a quick return on investment, especially in the winter months. Switching over your lightbulbs with LEDs is a very simple change that is neither difficult or expensive. You can buy LEDs online and in your local DIY or grocery store.
Get your financial support
There is some direct financial support available to certain groups of people, including pensioners. It’s important to check if you’re eligible and that you’re receiving everything.
- Warm Home Discount Scheme – mainly to pensioners and those who get certain benefits. This one-off discount of £150 is paid directly to your electricity supplier between October and March. If your energy supplier provides you with both gas and electricity, you may be able to get the discount on your gas bill instead. Simply contact your supplier to find out. Visit uk to find out more about the scheme.
- Winter Fuel Payment – for those born on or before 26 September 1956. The Winter Fuel Payment is from £250 to £600 to help you pay your heating bills. The amount you’ll get includes a ‘Pensioner Cost of Living Payment’ which is between £150 and £300. This is an automatic payment, but you can find out more on the uk website.
Use your Night Rate/Economy 7 meter
If you have a Night Rate (an Economy 7 meter) for energy, utilise it! It will cost half as much as the Day Rate so it really is worthwhile. To take advantage of this saving, it’s best to operate your dishwasher or washing machine at night. It’s also a good time to charge your devices! The seven hours of Night Rate typically run sometime between 11pm and 8am, but it’s worth checking with your energy supplier for the actual cheaper hours.
Service your boiler
Have your boiler serviced before winter to ensure it’s running as it should, it will help save energy in your home. Or perhaps it’s time for it to be replaced: a 10-year old boiler will be surprising inefficient and replacing could help you save money in the long run. It might also be worth considering changing to an Air Source Heat Pump. While there is a high upfront cost, the running costs are lower and less maintenance is required than for a regular boiler.
Use draft excluder
Save money by simply using draft excluder around all of your doors and windows and your loft hatches. These low cost strips save a lot of lost heat and are extremely easy to fit yourself. As with the LEDs, you can buy draft excluder from a number of online retailers as well as your local DIY store.
Have a cuppa!
Our last home energy saving tip is simply this: enjoy lovely cup tea! It’s no joke. A hot drink will warm you from the inside, meaning you’re less likely to need to boost your heating above 20oC! Remember to only boil the water you need as the energy used will be less and the kettle will run for a shorter time. Insulated cups and flasks are a cheap and easy way to keep your drink warm for a little longer.
Contact us
We hope you’ve found our top tips to save energy in your home useful. Although we primarily work within the commercial sector, we are happy to give advice to anyone who asks! Contact us on 07889 105050 to discuss your energy.