When to service your commercial heating system
When’s the right time to think about servicing your business’s heating system in tip-top condition? When we’re heading into the autumn? When we’re on the brink of winter? When you’re ready to turn the heating system on for the first time in months?
While the best time to service your commercial heating system is actually during the spring or summer months, it’s vital that it is professionally serviced before the winter. In the same way that an athlete will warm up before an event to reduce the risk of injury, a heating system needs to be serviced annually to ensure it runs at its optimum level.
Typically, the heating isn’t used during spring and summer and so when you flick the switch for the first time in the cooler months, there’s a strong possibility that it won’t function as efficiently as it could if it hasn’t been serviced or maintained.
Servicing of heat pumps, Biomass, CHP, gas and electrical solutions can help generate greater savings by maintaining their efficiency. As standard, our annual servicing plan includes:
- Full inspection of components
- Settings & reports check
- Brine testing
- Expansion vessel check
- Filter clean
- Pipe insulation check
- DHW check
- Sentinel inhibitor top-up
- Sensor calibration
- Outdoor fan unit clean
We can help ensure your heating system runs well this winter. It might even prevent your team from Googling what the legal minimum working temperature is – for info, guidance suggests 16°C as the minimum!
Contact us
Is it time to service your heating system? We can help.
Contact us on 07889 105050 to find out more about our servicing and maintenance servicing, or to book your appointment.